Clip Boards

I didn't realize what a big deal a clip board would be to my children until I made them. I was honestly met with cheers when they found out the clip boards were for them. Wow - I guess all they really wanted for Christmas, birthdays, or any other special occasion was a clip board and their dreams would've been met! My daughter even said, "Now I have something to hold my check lists!" She's a girl after my own heart. Any way, back to clip boards. I'm excited for my kids to use their clip boards this coming General Conference weekend. Now, they have something hard to write on as they listen to our church leaders and fill out their conference packets. I also look forward to using these clip boards this coming summer. With long car rides and airplane rides ahead of us, these clip boards will come in handy. Plus, you can use clip boards for upcoming summer camps and activities. They will be so useful for leaders. And, one more idea - they would make a fun activity at a birthday party especially if you have a child like mine who gets excited over organization. Everyone could decorate their own clip board to take home. Here's how to doll up your own board.

I bought my clip boards at Wal-mart. They came in packages of two. Each package cost me around $3.50. I then searched through my scrapbooking supplies and came up with paper and stickers I had at home.

Next, start cutting and decorating. I love to layer my papers and stickers. Come up with your own design and attach your materials on your clip board using a glue stick or double sided tape. I also had the thought of stringing ribbon through the clip's hole. I may have to add this element to my daughter's board later.

Once your boards are all decorated, cover them with Mod Podge. I found a spray can of Mod Podge which made the job super speedy. I ended up spraying four coats on my boards. Let your boards dry for about 15 minutes between each coat.

That's it! Fast, fun and functional!
