Fabric Strip Banner Revisited

At our back to school dinner, we started a new tradition. We made a fabric strip banner. I fell in love with the banner Heidi shared last month and decided to add a little twist. Each family member received a couple fabric strips. On their strips, they wrote a goal or a word to live by for the coming school year. I'll keep the banner up for the first month or two of school as a reminder of our commitments. Now, each year I'll bring out the banner at our back to school dinner and we'll write new goals on the fabric strips for the coming year. It will become a family heirloom.

My preschooler came up with the below goal. 

My 7-year old came up with this goal. When he told me what to write down, I couldn't believe it! It seemed so mature to come from a little guy. 

My oldest came up with the idea to have an awesome year. We then discussed as a family what to do to have an awesome, successful school year. 

And, my always thoughtful daughter came up with the idea to be a good friend. I find it hard to believe she still has work to do in this department :)

The finished banner! I'm excited about this new family tradition! 
